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Work with kids with disabilities through Young Life Capernaum

Young Life Capernaum is a nonprofit outreach that helps high school students with disabilities experience the Gospel in a relevant and engaging way. Like every other high school student, those with disabilities are thirsty to discover their identity, the meaning of their lives and where they fit in. Often, they are running to the wrong places to find answers to those questions. Young Life Capernaum hopes to teach students with disabilities that they are created by a God who desires and deeply loves them.

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When self-sufficiency destroys our passion

Christ’s words to the Church in Laodicea speak directly to our cultural moment. We live in one of the wealthiest, busiest places in the entire world. It is often our self-sufficiency and security, not suffering or poverty, that prevents us from fully experiencing God’s blessings.


Reaching students with the Gospel through Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Several weeks ago we got the great opportunity to hear from Matt Emerson, Lacrosse Ministry Representative with Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). He wrote the following blog article so that we might have a better picture of how this organization reaches students with the Gospel and how we can get involved.

Five ways to pray for Baltimore

Ephesians 6:18 tells us that we are to pray on all occasions. James 5:16 tells us that, as believers made righteous through Christ, our prayers are powerful and effective. We are often quick to voice opinions and interpretations of the painful, complex situations going on in our world and our communities, but do we consistently approach the throne of God in the same manner? These past few days have been some of Baltimore’s darkest. Here are five ways to lift up our City to the one who gave His own life to reconcile man’s relationship with God and with one another.

How persecution grows us as Christians

We face all kinds of suffering. We suffer on a daily basis due to the nature of our fallen world. We are affected by disease, poverty, natural disaster. We also suffer as a result of our own sin and foolishness. But there is one kind of suffering that is a distinctive mark of what it really means to be a church, and that is suffering due to persecution of our faith.

The other side of the lake

On Sunday we heard about Jesus leading His disciples to a region called the Gerasenes and restoring a demon-possessed man (Luke 8:26-39). It’s a story that can startle us, especially if we tend to gravitate towards stories that display Jesus’ power over nature.  This miracle, however, reminds us of Jesus’ power over death, sin and the enemy. It’s a story that points directly to what He would later do on the cross.

Making Christ known in Baltimore’s independent schools

Last Sunday we got the opportunity to hear from Tim Foster, Area Director of FOCUS in Baltimore. This is a Christian ministry committed to exploring "with independent school students a life of faith that is real, adventurous, intellectually sound, and eminently practical.”

He is not just the Bread Giver. He is the Bread.

When Jesus fed the five thousand (John  6:1-15), His intent was not only to display the miraculous power of God in turning a meager lunch into a tumultuous feast. He was also revealing to us, as He does throughout Scripture, that He alone is the Bread of Life.

New Year, New Location, New Time

Beginning Sunday, January 4, City Church will be gathering for worship at 9:00 AM in the Knott Auditorium on the campus of the Notre Dame of Maryland University. The Knott Auditorium is located on the first floor of the Knott Science Center. This will be our new time and location for the foreseeable future. It is a great space that allows for growth in our worship offerings, kid's program offerings, and adult education offerings. So, join us on Sunday, January 4 as we break in our new space. Allow some extra time to find us on your first visit.

Expanding Our Team

Expanding Our Team.001  

Are you interested in becoming an integral part of what God is doing at City Church? Currently, we are looking to fill two part-time positions.

Click on the links below to view the position descriptions and contact us with any questions.


MERCY & CARE DIRECTOR: Position Description


City Church Spotlight

Homeland Life, one of our neighborhood newsletters, did a spotlight article on City Church this month. You can read the article here: City Church Spotlight Thanks to all the folks at Homeland Life for a great article.

Cutting Room Floor 4.27.14

cutting room floor.001Often there are a lot of footnotes, quotes, links, and illustrations that go into worship and a message on Sunday mornings. Some of those make it, others don't. The cutting room floor includes a little bit of everything. Here is a sampling of this past week's sermon from Acts 2:42-47 called "The Devoted Themselves". You can download the sermon here: City Church iTunes Podcast.

Here is a link to Baltimore Magazine's article about photographer Ben Marcin's recent work called Last House Standing: Remnants of Things Past.

celtic"The Celtic Way of Evangelism: How Christianity Can Reach the West... Again" by George Hunter is a great little book about St. Patrick and his establishment of Christian communities. It is a great history lesson with practical implications for how practice community today.


Here a two quotes from Sunday:

"As the New Testament speaks of it, fellowship is deep, virile, and costly; too often today it is cheap and superficial. The higher we value our personal privacy and freedom from commitments, the shallower our grasp of fellowship will be - reduced to moments of idle chitchat over steaming coffee before or after a worship service." - Dennis Johnson

"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Cutting Room Floor - Easter Weekend

cutting room floor.001Often there a lot of footnotes, quotes, links, and illustrations that go into worship and a message on Sunday mornings. Some of those items make it, other's don't. The cutting room floor includes a little bit of everything. Here is a sampling from Easter Weekend: Good Friday: "The Forsaken God" from Psalm 22

You can download the sermon here: City Church iTunes Podcast.

Here is a link to Trent Bell's photo gallery entitled REFLECT: Trent Bell Reflect. It shows the images of 12 convicts superimposed on letters they wrote to their younger selves. Here is link to a video produced about his art: REFLECT Video. Here is a piece the Huffington Post did on the project: Convicts Pose With Heartbreaking Letters to Their Younger Selves.

CNN posted a photo documentary on the execution of an Iranian man named Balal. You can see the powerful photos of his forgiveness here: Iranian Execution Halted

Easter Sunday: "God Raised Him Up" from Acts 2:14-41

You can download the sermon here: City Church iTunes Podcast.

Here is a link to the Lincoln Memorial Interactive.

"The good news, the great news, of Jesus is that with his resurrection it becomes clear not only that he is Messiah and Lord, but that in death he has dealt evil itself a blow from which, though it still retains some power, will never overcome." - NT Wright

"Join this movement, allow the death and resurrection of Jesus to become the badge you wear, the sign of your identity, with you and your children sharing in the new life of the baptized community..." - NT Wright

Expanding Our Team

One of the core values of City Church is a passion to care for family and children. We believe church should be the highlight of every kid's weekend, not just because it is fun, but because it connects them with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our hope is that every child who attends City Church feels valued and loved by our church community and ultimately, by Jesus. Do you share our passion for family and children? If so, consider joining our team. City Church is searching for a part-time City Kid's Director.  It is our hope to develop this position into a full time position down the road. Check out the attached description: City Kids Director.

Cutting Room Floor - 3.16.14

cutting room floor.001Often there are a lot of footnotes, quotes, links, and illustrations that go into worship and a message on Sunday mornings. Some of those items make it, others don't. The cutting room floor includes a little bit of everything. Here is a sampling from this past's week's message entitled: "Unending Mercy" from Psalm 123. You can download the sermon here: City Church iTunes Podcast.

Summary: God sends His mercy to free us from oppression.

Baltimore Fishbowl wrote an article on oppressive conditions in specific Baltimore neighborhood: FISHBOWL.

Here is the full lyric to Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners!

1. Jesus! what a Friend for sinners! Jesus, lover of my soul; friends may fail me, foes assail me, he, my Savior, makes me whole.

2. Jesus! what a strength in weakness! Let me hid myself in him; tempted, tried, and sometimes failing, he, my strength, my vict'ry wins.

3. Jesus! what a help in sorrow! While the billows o'er me roll, even when my heart is breaking, he, my comfort, helps my soul.

4. Jesus! what a guide and keeper! While the tempest still is high, storms about me, night o'er takes me, he my pilot, hears my cry.

5. Jesus! I do now receive him, more than all in him I find; he hath granted me forgiveness, I am his, and he is mine.

Hallelujah! what a Savior! Hallelujah! what a Friend! Saving, helping, keeping, loving, he is with me to the end.


Cutting Room Floor - 3.9.14

cutting room floor.001Often there are lots of footnotes, quotes, links, and illustrations that go into worship and a message on Sunday mornings. Some of those items make it, others don't. The cutting room floor includes a little bit of everything. Here is a sampling from this past week's message entitled: "Songs for the Road" from Psalm 120 and 121. You can download the sermon here: City Church iTunes Podcast.

Summary: The Psalms of Ascent (Psalm 120-134) are ancient "Songs for the Road." They were sung on the journey as God's people approached Jerusalem for yearly worship festivals. They express powerfully both the joys and the pains of life. They a gritty, raw, and beautiful, describing what this journey of faith is all about.

Baltimore Magazine archived the Baltimore Colts departure 30 years ago this month: COLT FOLLOWING

If you want to read more about the Psalms of Ascent, I recommend these books:

Screen Shot 2014-03-13 at 11.31.17 AMThe first is "Journey to Joy" by Josh Moody. I've met Josh and heard his teaching on the Psalms of Ascent. He is the pastor of College Church in Chicago and is a great communicator.




Screen Shot 2014-03-13 at 11.30.47 AMThe second is "A Long Obedience in the Same Direction" by Eugene Peterson. Peterson is best known for his MESSAGE translation of the Bible. He was also a pastor in Maryland for many years.


A Lenten Journey

  A Lenten Journey.001

In its simplest form, Lent is a season of reflection and preparation. It has been a practice of the church for centuries across many denominational backgrounds. This forty day season begins with Ash Wednesday and concludes with the celebration of Easter Sunday.

We invite you to journey with us during this season of preparation and reflection as we commit to reflect on the Gospel of Christ. The attached guide is designed to help you walk through this season of reflection and it is designed to be used in community. Consider joining one of our community groups throughout the season of Lent.

Throughout history, Christians have recognized Lent by “giving up” something. We are not asking you to give something up, simply to make the time to pray, read, gather, and worship. The catch is that it will require time, which may inadvertently require giving something up. Time is a precious commodity. We understand that. But we also know time spent journeying through prayer and reflection will be time well spent with the Father.

Lenten Guide 2014

A favorite in our City Kid's program is the "Jesus Storybook Bible" by Sally Lloyd Jones. Here is a Lenten Guide for you and your family to use that walks you through the "Jesus Storybook Bible" from Creation to Resurrection. Your kids will love it and you will find yourself caught up in the story, too. You can find digital copies of the "Jesus Storybook Bible" online for your iPad or Kindle.

Lenten Kid's Guide 2014

The Cutting Room Floor - 2.16.14

cutting room floor.001 Often there are lots of footnotes, quotes, links, and illustrations that go into worship and a message on Sunday mornings. Some of those items make it and others don't. The cutting room floor includes a little bit of everything. Here is a sampling from this week's message entitled: "The Substance of the Mission" from Acts 1:6-12.

You can download the sermon here: City Church iTunes PodCast.

Summary: God gives His people a substantial mission. Acts 1 tells us of the nature of the mission, the extent of the mission, the carriers of the mission, and the object of the mission. Ultimately, the mission is not about what you do, but about who you know.

Extent of the Mission

Check out "The Blog Post That Exploded: Baltimore and Broken Hearts" for an account of the recently viral Baltimore blogs. Make sure to read "Baltimore, You're Breaking My Car."

Screen Shot 2014-02-18 at 1.25.02 PMWe referenced Antero Pietila's comments on the neighborhood divisions that exist in Baltimore. His book "Not in My Neighborhood" is an excellent resource on understanding the real estate practices that led to the current make-up of Baltimore City neighborhoods.


Carriers of the Mission

Here's a quote written in the 2nd century by church father Athenagorus about the carriers of the mission:

“Among us you will find uneducated persons and artisans and old women, who, if they are unable to prove the benefits of doctrine, yet by their deeds they exhibit the benefits arising from their persuasion of its truth. They do not practice great speeches, but they exhibit good works. When struck, they do not strike back. When robbed, they do not go to law. They give to those who ask of them. And they love their neighbors as themselves." 

Object of the Mission

Here are photos from the Baltimore Sun's Darkroom on the Great Fire of Baltimore, 1904.

Summer Worship Gathering - 6.16.13

Have you ever been confronted with a situation that seems impossible? For whatever reason, you simply cannot see the situation resolving itself. At times, all of us are confronted with seemingly impossible circumstances. But, what if we believed that God was behind those circumstances, quietly arranging life to shape us? Join us this Sunday morning at 10:00 AM as we explore God's movement in the most unlikely places. We'll be gathering at the Fourier Hall (Room #103) at the Notre Dame of Maryland University (4701 N. Charles Street, 21210). The Fourier Hall is located at the corner of Homeland Avenue and N. Charles Street. Childcare and ample parking are available. All are welcome!